What is the New Spirituality?
We first read about the New Spirituality in "Tomorrow's God" by Neale
Donald Walsch, the author of the "Conversations with God" books. But we
have heard a lot more about it since then, from God, directly.
You see, God dwells within each one of us, within all of his creation. He is "as close as your jugular", as the Koran points out.
In the New Spirituality, everyone will know this. Everyone will know that they, too, can converse with God.
Everyone will know that, through their connection to God within, they are connected to the rest of humanity, the rest of creation. Everyone will know that WE ARE ALL ONE.
Everyone will realise that what you do to another, you do to yourself, that in causing suffering to another creature, you are causing suffering to yourself, and that in harming the Mother Earth, you are harming yourself.
So, the New Spirituality is a time, in the very near future, when the people of the Earth will live in peace and harmony, not only with each other, but with the creatures of the Earth, and the beautiful Mother Earth, herself.
This time is only a snowball's roll away - a snowball of love that is building every day. All it takes is for each of us to make a decision to make love the dominant force in our lives; to ask "What would love do now?" when faced with any decision; to begin to think love, be love, and act with love in all that we do.
What will conditions be like in the New Spirituality?
Everything will be love-ly.
Every man, woman, and child, and every creature will be treated with respect, as well as Mother Earth.
People will be employed in occupations that they enjoy. The word "work" may disappear from our vocabulary. Service positions will be highly prized, because people will realise that whenever you bring out the joy in another, you bring out the joy in yourself.
People will communicate with each other telepathically. This type of communication will also be possible with all of the creatures of the Earth, and with people from other planets, who will be available to help us become even more evolved.
Love will rule the world.
What will happen to current religions?
Current religions will adapt. The New Spirituality will not take
anything away from religions. It will only add to them. It will add a
closer connection to God.
What is a New Spirituality Study Group?
A New Spirituality Study Group is a group of people who meet regularly
to learn ways of becoming more loving, ways to help bring the snowball
of love into their areas. These groups share what they know about love.
They then read books and study religions to learn about love from as
many sources as possible, until they can think love, be love, and act
with love in all that they do. Once they reach that stage,they are then
in a position to spread love out into the world.
Sunirmalya Symons:
The Simplest Book God Ever Wrote Marianne Williamson:
Gary Zukav:
Gill Edwards:
Duane Elgin:
Armando Favazza:
Wayne W. Dyer:
Robert Forman: Foundation for Inner Peace: Timothy Freke: Ernest Holmes: Barbara Marx Hubbard: Gerald G. Jampolsky: Gary Renard: Practical Spirituality John De Ruiter: Jeffrey Moses:
Neale Donald Walsch:
Ram Dass:
John Demartini:
Louise Diamond:
Michael Dowd:
DavidPaul Doyle: Shakti Gawain: Maggie Goswami:
Bob Gottfried:
Lynn Grabhorn:
Tom Harpur:
Charles Kimball: Seung Heun Lee: Michael Lerner: Denise Linn: Bruce H. Lipton: Lyn Mayo: Dan Millman: Tej Steiner:
Arjuna Ardagh:
Joseph S Benner:
Lise Bourbeau:
Eric Butterworth:
Rhonda Byrne, ed.: The Laws of Love Love Is My Gospel Love Without Conditions The Power of Love David R. Hawkins:
Loving What Is Oriah Mountain Dreamer: M. Scott Peck: Pierre Pradervand: Michelle Epiphany Prosser: Michael Ray:
Jack Reed:
Dale Salwak, ed.: Sankara Saranam: Rami Shapiro: James F. Twyman: